Get Your Free Guide on 3 Essential Tips To Know
Before Buying a Paternity Test

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Alexei Fedorov, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer at CRI Genetics
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Dear First-Time Customer,

I am Dr. Alexei Fedorov, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at CRI Genetics, CRI Paternity’s parent company.

I have dedicated over 35 years to progressing mankind’s understanding of the human genome. This groundbreaking research includes where you come from, but also who you come from.

Enter Paternity DNA testing, or any other type of filiation test. There are many testing options on the market today, but not all tests are performed the same way. You deserve to know the differences so that you can choose the best option for your unique situation.

Whether you’re looking to find out if you’re the father of a child, discover who your biological father is, or simply want to check the paternity of your child, a CRI Genetics Paternity test can help give you answers for personal knowledge or peace of mind.

I’m going to walk you through the THREE main differences between paternity tests, then detail how CRI Genetics does things a little differently. Those three differences are:

  • Latest Technology - What will you learn?
  • Paternity Testing Costs - How much will you pay?
  • Testing Methods and Science Team - How accurate are your results?

Tip #1: Choose the Latest Technology for the Most In-Depth Results

Illumina chip

Most Paternity DNA testing services use the same method they’ve been using since the 90’s—it’s called PCR, or Polymerase Chain Reaction. PCR uses very small quantities of DNA, which are then replicated so that there is more to work with. This sequencing process only takes around 2 hours1. Compare this with the latest Paternity testing method, known as Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), which is not restricted to only paternity testing.

NGS technologies have a higher level of complexity because they can map entire genomes at affordable costs. PCR testing looks at 15-20 genetic markers while NGS can analyze up to a million genetic markers, sometimes more. This opens new doors to what one can learn through genetic testing, including inherited traits surrounding health, nutrition, and ancestry.

CRI Genetics utilizes Next-Generation Sequencing to help you determine your filiation, and also offers reports on ancestry, wellness, nutrition, metabolism, weight loss, allergies, and much more.

Tip #2: Choose a Paternity Test that is Accurate and Affordable

CRI Genetics dna box

Most paternity testing services claim to deliver the same kind of accurate results. A 99.99% degree of accuracy is standard in the industry, but that should also be weighed against the cost of paternity testing services. Not all paternity tests cost the same, and hidden fees are not uncommon. So, the question is, how much do paternity tests cost?

First, keep in mind that there will be at least two people taking the test, because you want to understand or confirm filiation, in other words, how two people are related. In most cases, they test to see if one of them is the father of the other. Of course, there are plenty of other cases and scenarios too, involving grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunties, and siblings. Everyone’s situation is unique. You need a paternity testing service that takes your situation into account without breaking the bank.

A CRI Genetics Paternity test offers two kits at one low price, and you can choose to use those kits for any two people. That’s two kits regardless of the relationship at the same price without any hidden fees. That is another benefit of opting for the newer NGS technology—it may take longer to deliver your results, but it can analyze the DNA sequences between any two individuals without having to charge extra for that specific relationship.

Tip #3: Follow the Science and the Genetic Experts

Alexi and Larisa Fedorov

If tip #1 wasn’t enough to convince you, let’s take that path a step further and talk about both the technology being used AND the people behind the technology. You’ll want to look for true experts in the field of genetics.

A DNA or paternity testing service that puts a lot of money into their marketing doesn’t necessarily have your best interests at heart. You want highly qualified scientists and researchers handling your DNA. That’s a process that takes time but is well worth the wait. The matter of paternity is a HUGE question in people’s minds and can be life-changing, so make sure you prioritize quality over speed when choosing the best paternity testing company for you.

At CRI Genetics, I have dedicated my life to helping you find out the meaning behind your DNA and family history, and I won’t rest until your curiosity is satisfied. If you want your burning questions about your DNA and family history answered, look no further!

Get the Answers You Need for Ultimate Peace of Mind

Are you the biological father? Are these people your parents, your relatives? Should you even consider fighting for custody, raising and loving that child?

CRI Genetics and CRI Paternity are at the forefront of genetic research. Thanks to my extensive background in genetics, as a researcher, an internationally published scientist and an educator, I have developed some of the most advanced genotyping software ever created.

Our proprietary DNA analysis software will examine 527,414 relevant markers across your genome and will compare them to samples from alleged relative, regardless of their age and sex. By the end of your DNA analysis, I will be able to tell you with 99.99% accuracy whether you are blood-related or not.

As Aristotle once said: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

So, what are you waiting for?

Learn more about what CRI Genetics can do to help you unlock the treasures hidden in your DNA.


Alexei Fedorov, PhD & The CRI Genetics Team

Alexei Fedorov, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer at CRI Genetics
Order Now!

CRI Genetics is the Clear Choice in Paternity Testing


CRI Genetics

$199 $299

Paternity Features

Number of Markers Analyzed

Get your genome mapped using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) for much greater detail into your filiation. Compare up to a million genetic markers analyzed versus only 15-20 markers using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

19 527,414

Same Price Regardless of Relationship

Take advantage of two paternity kits for one low price. That’s two kits at the same price regardless of the relationship, without any hidden fees. Whatever your unique situation, CRI has got you covered!


Genetic Relatedness Score to the 0.01%

Know how related you are to someone else down to 0.01%. Our proprietary DNA analysis software program will compare 527,414 relevant genetic markers across you and your alleged relative’s genome to give you your genetic relatedness score.


FREE Bonus Reports: Ancestry + Traits Bundle

Enjoy Ancestry and Health bonus reports, for FREE! Get Dual Ancestry and an Advanced Timeline, detailing up to 1,000 years of your genetic past PLUS, get 15 Trait Reports of interesting and useful traits passed down to you through the ages.


CRI Genetics Features

World Class Customer Support

A customer care team ready to answer questions before, during, AND after you take your DNA test.

8-Week Efficiency Guarantee

Our guarantee to you: get your results in under 8 weeks or get your money back.


Reliable Privacy and Security

Your information is separated from your DNA, encrypted, and stored securely on our online server. We will never share your info without your explicit permission, ever.



CRI Genetics

$199 $299

*Compared to Choice DNA

Sample Reports

CRI Genetics Paternity Report

Take a Peek at Other Reports Offered by CRI

Your Journey of Discovery Begins Now.

Take Up To $100 OFF Your Paternity Reports

Select An Option Below.

2 Paternity kits
2 Paternity Kits + Analysis

  • 2 at-home paternity DNA kits
  • 99.99% accuracy for complete of peace of mind
  • Your genetic relatedness score to the .01%
  • Certificate of Filiation detailing final results
  • FREE Bonus Reports: Ancestry + Traits Bundle

$199 $299

CRI Genetics Brings You Closer To Your Truth.

Here Are Some Of The Other Benefits Of Beginning Your Journey With Us.

  • We will store your reports and DNA samples for as long as you want us to, or you can tell us to delete your reports and destroy your DNA sample at any time. Your choice. 
  • We are available for questions or feedback at ANY point in your journey. Just call us at 1-800-571-9216 or email us at and we will be happy to help you.
  • We offer an exclusive Efficiency Guarantee. We guarantee a fast turnaround time from when you make your purchase to when you receive your report—or else you get your money back.

Frequently Asked Questions

A paternity test is a scientific test comparing the DNA of a child and his/her alleged relative, typically the alleged father. CRI Paternity test can determine with 99.99% accuracy whether you are the biological father or not. The same works with an alleged mother or any other family member.

CRI Paternity is a branch of CRI Genetics. Our researchers are renowned and internationally published Geneticists, Anthropologists, and Social Scientists. They’ve combined their expertise to give you a highly accurate paternity analysis. When you choose CRI Paternity DNA tests, you choose expertise and accuracy. Our results come with the guarantee of quality and peace of mind.

We hold a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) certification that regulates our laboratory testing and allows us to accept human samples for diagnostic testing. In the laboratory, CLIA quality assurance involves the entire testing process: pre-analytical, analytical (testing), and post-analytical processes.

Our Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Alexei Fedorov, Ph. D., is an acclaimed geneticist. He published over 40 scientific articles in International Science Magazines and has made it a lifetime goal to progress Mankind’s understanding of the human genome into new frontiers. The papers he has written have been cited hundreds of times.

For more information on Alexei Fedorov Ph. D., check our About Page.

Though verifying the relationship between an alleged father and child is most common, CRI Paternity can verify the relationship between ANY alleged relatives (mother, siblings, grand-parents, etc). The more family members tested, the more accurate your results. CRI Paternity DNA tests can be used regardless of the sex or the alleged relationship.

Click Order Now below to complete the basic information needed to process your order and ship your collection kit. You will need the following key information:

  • Names of all the persons to be tested
  • Current contact information for all parties involved
  • An email address to create your online profile
  • A valid mode of payment

Our team of specialist will compare 527,414 genetic markers between your sample and every sample you will provide us to give you COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND. You can expect your results within 6-8 weeks from your order.

Some DNA testing companies offer paternity results within less than 5 days, we offer the MOST ACCURATE results, and that needs a bit more time. With our results, no more guessing. You will be sure of your filiation. Or non-filiation.

CRI Paternity collects the samples via cheek swabs.

You will receive 2 buccal swabs per person tested. Gently rub 1 swab on the inside of your cheek to gather cells (15-20 seconds), detach its tip into the matching vial before repeating the operation with your other cheek. Then enclose both vials in the matching sample collection bag (make sure all the barcodes match).

Are Buccal Swabs As Accurate As Blood Samples?

Buccal swabs and blood samples provide results with the same degree of accuracy. We chose buccal swabs for our Paternity DNA tests because they are the easiest and less invasive way to collect your DNA.

Once your results are ready, we will send you an email asking you to log in your online portal. You can also check the status of your analysis anytime you want.

DNA paternity testing is considered a non-medical test. Thus, it is usually not covered by health insurance plans, but you can always try contacting your insurance provider to find out.

Please visit our FAQ page.

8-Week Guarantee

Our Promise to You.

  • 8-Week Efficiency Guarantee – The lab process of examining DNA can be very time-consuming, especially if there are several customer samples coming in at once. At CRI Genetics, we offer a unique “Efficiency Guarantee” to ensure that you’re protected from delays. If we can’t get your reports ready within 8 weeks of receiving your DNA, you get your money back. This doesn’t happen often, but if it happens to you, we don’t want you to pay for your reports! (Most get done within 4 weeks once received at the lab.)
  • Your information is secure – The moment we receive your DNA sample, we separate all personal information from it and encrypt ALL data. From that moment forward, we only know your DNA through a random serial number on your DNA collection kit. We do not share your information without your explicit consent, and we take extra steps to help protect against security breaches.
  • We’re very confident you will be satisfied.

Your Journey of Discovery Begins Now.

Take Up To $100 OFF Your Paternity Reports

Select An Option Below.

2 Paternity Kits + Analysis

  • 2 at-home paternity DNA kits
  • 99.99% accuracy for complete of peace of mind
  • Your genetic relatedness score to the .01%
  • Certificate of Filiation detailing final results
  • FREE Bonus Reports: Ancestry + Traits Bundle

$199 $299
